Enjoy Fero 1yr Warranty and free Screen replacement

Fero has given their lovers a reason to smile and relax while using their Fero smartphones as they now offer 12 Month Warranty and One Time Free Screen Damage Replacement in all Fero mobile devices.

Are you a smartphone dealer that wants to make his customers happy offering them 1 Year warranty and one-time free screen replacement with the help of Fero official 12 Month Warranty and One Time Free Screen Damage Replacement when they buy any Fero smartphones from your shop?

Fero is one of the best smartphone makers today fighting to dominate Nigerian market as the offer best reliable and affordable Android smartphones of all types.

The latest gist right now is that Fero has officially announced and allows their smartphone users and dealers to register for one year warranty and one-time free screen replacement on any Fero mobile device.

How does the Fero 1yr Warranty and free Screen replacement works

Fero thanks their users for purchasing  Fero smartphone and to show their gratitude they decided to give them something valuable in return which is an opportunity to enjoy 12 Month Warranty and One Time Free Screen Damage Replacement.

With this offer, you don’t need to worry when buying and using Fero smartphones because your FERO product is backed by a 12 Month Warranty and One Time Free Screen Damage Replacement.

How to register and enjoy Fero 1yr Warranty and free Screen replacement

Fero has created a special webpage that enables you to register your smartphone or report any damage which enables them to help fix your Fero smartphone.

You can access the page here

Once you visit the page simply fill in your details to get your FERO phone covered for One Time Free Screen Damage Replacement.

Take Away

Using Fero smartphones now gives you peace of mind relaxation you need because you don’t need to fear to buy and use Fero mobile devices since you are fully covered by a 12 Month Warranty and One Time Free Screen Damage Replacement which means that once you buy a Fero mobile device and it suddenly developed a fault or the screen got damaged then it can be repaired or replaced at no cost to you.

Warranty Policy

This Limited Warranty is conditioned upon proper use of FERO mobile phones


This Limited Warranty does not cover:

  • Ordinary wear and tear
  • Defects or damage resulting from any kind of mishaps, misuse, improper storage, temperature conditions and environmental issues including, dirt and dust and moisture
  • Physical damage to the phone due to excessive force, pressure, neglect and electrical/electro-mechanical modifications
  • Defects or damage resulting from excessive force or use of a metallic/non-metallic object when pressing on a touch screen or any other parts
  • Devices where the labels have been defaced and/or made illegible by removal of any seals and stickers including IMEI labels, Serial Numbers and other bar codes on the product or packaging
  • Equipment that has not been used with official Fero devices accessories or peripheral devices/accessories/Chargers not furnished or approved by FERO
  • Defects or damage resulting from faulty testing, operations, maintenance, installation, service, or adjustment not furnished or approved by FERO, including but not limited to installation of unauthorized software and unauthorized root access
  • Defects or damage resulting from cellular signal reception or transmission, or viruses or other software problems introduced into the Product
  • Any of the seals on the battery are broken or show evidence of tampering. The battery has been used in equipment other than the FERO device for which it is specified.


  • To obtain service under this Limited Warranty, you must return the Product to an authorized phone service facility or authorized collection point in an adequate container for shipping, accompanied by the sales receipt or comparable proof of sale showing the original date of purchase by the first consumer purchaser, the serial number of the Product and the seller’s name and address.

  • To obtain assistance on where to deliver the Product, please contact our authorized service centers/collection points or online support desk. If FERO determines that any Product is not covered by this Limited Warranty, you must pay all parts, shipping, and labor charges for the repair or return of such Product.

  • You should keep a separate backup copy of any contents of the Product before delivering the Product to FERO for warranty service, as some or all of the contents may be deleted or reformatted during the course of warranty service.

Collins: Collins is a creative writer who loves to explore, research and play with gadgets such as smartphones, Tablets, Computers, Digital cameras and lots more CONNECT ME ON: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin

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