How to Activate Chrome Dark Mode

How to Activate Chrome Dark Mode

Google Chrome is a web browser that works on various operating systems. To put it another way, Google Chrome may be used on a Mac PC, Linux or Android with a high-end UI and extensions. You’ll be able to surf the web all day.

Google Chrome was created in the early 2000s when the business was still taking the lead in web development. As a free, open-source browser, Chromium was the first version of Chrome. Using lightweight programs and basic user interfaces, consumers may explore the Internet more quickly. At the time, Chromium was still a work in progress and not intended for general public usage.

For Windows XP, the first beta version of Chrome was published on September 2, 2008, after Chromium had developed into Chrome. On December 11, 2008, a completely stable version was made available. Mozilla Firefox and the already ubiquitous Internet Explorer have mostly eclipsed it.

Google Chrome is supported on OS X (formerly known as macOS), Linux, and Microsoft Windows. Mozilla and Internet Explorer continue to lead the pack, though. In August 2012, Google Chrome became the most used web browser for the first time.

This is a tendency that has lasted for decades. Dark mode, on the other hand, is Chrome’s crowning achievement. You may wonder, “Why?” in response. Allow me to elaborate.

What is Dark Mode?

This is a dark (black and dark grey) Google Chrome theme.

The term “dark mode” refers to the ability to dim the brightness of your display or screen. Using less light means using less electricity and generating less heat. The battery life and bills are both saved in this way.

In addition, it minimizes your eyes’ exposure to the blue light that causes the tensest eyes. Several studies have shown a substantial connection between sleep disturbances and exposure to blue light. That way, you may use the Internet more efficiently and for more extended periods without having to sacrifice your sleep routine.

There are no other complaints. A feeling of smoothness and simplicity is conveyed by this design. However, the taste is a matter of personal preference.

Using a Dark mode on Pc

The most straightforward approach to activate Dark Mode on your PC is to change your Windows theme to one that supports it.

Change your Windows theme to activate Google Chrome’s dark mode on PC. Because there are no default settings for the Google Chrome app, it will always use the Windows settings.

To begin, click the Windows logo in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Enter Color in the search field and choose a colour.

After that, pick “Dark” from the drop-down menu.

A new theme will be applied to the window after the process is finished.

Everything has become ominous and sinister now.

Because certain websites don’t support dark themes, this strategy has drawbacks.

Activate Dark Mode using force mode

The UI of certain websites may become more crowded if you force Chrome to utilize Dark Mode regardless of support. If you’re looking for the greatest outcomes, there are a number of ways to reduce incompatibilities.

Instead of using square brackets in the address bar, use “chrome: / flags / # enable-force-dark” The “Force Dark Mode for Web Content” options page is shown in the first tab. Then you must “activate” it by clicking on it.

There are many choices in the drop-down menu, as you can see. If the Enabled option clogs up your UI, you may experiment with alternate choices. We cannot offer a single solution because of the variety of websites and their unique concerns.

Activate Dark Mode using Google Chrome extension

The extension allows you to apply a variety of dark skins to your browser. To get started, open Chrome and go to

You’re sent to a website where you may look for and choose from a variety of themes. Add the one you like to Google Chrome by clicking the Add to Chrome button and reopening Google Chrome.

Android has a dark mode.
To begin, pick a setting by tapping the three dots in the top right corner.

Themes may be found once you’ve scrolled down a little.

Afterwards, look for and choose the “Dark” theme option.

Turn on the gloomy theme!

Collins: Collins is a creative writer who loves to explore, research and play with gadgets such as smartphones, Tablets, Computers, Digital cameras and lots more CONNECT ME ON: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin